Monday, October 31, 2022

Test #116

 So I have been trapped in this infinite cinema since the end of August-ish. How did I end up there you may ask? Well I didn’t come here fucking voluntarily! I was exploring this abandoned town with a couple of pals when we came across a pristine and clean cinema. Now I thought this was weird as fuck, so I practically yelled that going in there was a horrible idea and was very obviously a trap. But did they listen? If you guessed No, then good for you! They didn’t even think twice before going in, and being the oh so kind and great friend that I am, I decided to follow them. 

Guess what happened? Once we went inside, the doors quite literally just disappeared after some curtains were rolled in front of them. The rest of the group just went on ahead and grabbed some popcorn! No regard to the very possible fact that it could've been poisoned. 

Oh ho ho! It gets even fucking better! Once I caught up with them I noticed that the hallway that led to each screen was, in fact, INFINITE. Upon seeing this I immediately ran the way we came before being greeted, more like stopped, by this very tall person with a camera for a head. If I can remember right, it was a Elmo 230xl Super 8 Camera. And what i mean by a camera for a head was that their neck was the stick while their head was the camera proper. To be honest it freaked me the fuck out. 

The person, who told me their name was Niko, said that I had to stay or else they would get in trouble. I then punched them in the stomach and ran. I have been running around here, evading these camera people who hunted me down like I was some famous criminal who stole jewels just for the thrill of it! While there have been a few close calls, I haven’t been caught yet. But I still haven’t found an exit. 

Of course, I set this to upload when I get service. So when I get close to an exit I will know!

And a word of warning, do NOT enter any movie theaters with the name “You Ain’t Scene Nothing Yet!”. Unless you want to go here, which means either you're crazy or very foolhardy.

Test #116

  So I have been trapped in this infinite cinema since the end of August-ish. How did I end up there you may ask? Well I didn’t come here fu...